I want to get you 100K+ subscribers on YouTube... GUARANTEED

You've already enrolled in my Mentorship Program, which is going to guarantee that you grow on YouTube over the next 30 days, but I wanted to make you an offer you couldn't refuse.

I want to give you unlimited extensions on my Mentorship Program until you gain another 100K subscribers.

You read that right, I am going to work with you until you gain another 100K subscribers on YouTube.

Best of all, this offer essential pays for itself. Over the course of gaining 100K subscribers on YouTube you're going to make $297+ from the Shorts Fund OR have a brand approach you for a brand deal that'll exceed $297 (the price of this offer).

If you don't make $297 from the shorts fund OR get a brand deal for $297+ I will personally get you a brand deal that pays for the program (after you gain the 100K+ subscribers).

My goal is to make this offer so great that you'd feel like an idiot saying no to it.

So let me ask you... Do you hate money? I'm giving you an opportunity to get 100K more subscribers guaranteed AND I am going to ensure that this offer pays for itself (IT'S BASICALLY FREE).

Do you hate free money? 

This offer is going to pay for itself and it's going to allow you to get consistent brand deals in the future.

Once you gain another 100K subscribers on YouTube (which this program guarantees) you'll be able to charge way more money for brand deals OR you'll sell way more of your own product

You’ve already procrastinated enough…

You know you need to take advantage of YouTube and now is your opportunity to get 100K+ subscribers FOR FREE.

What do you have to lose? I’m literally going to get you your next 100K subscribers on YouTube AND have this program pay for itself.